Fill Your Frame!
personal photographic education
Bruce Hucko
NOTE: If you arrived at this site straight from a web search or another place that was NOT my personal website, then I urge you to visit my personal website now, so you can see whom you’re working with. Take a stroll through my galleries. If you like what you see and still want to consult with me - great!
Are you looking to fill your life with personally meaningful photographs that reflect the true, diverse you?
Are you looking to fill your outdoor experience making "keeper" photographs?
Are you looking to fill your mind with skills and concepts that will enhance your photographic experience?
If so, then you may want to experience Fill your Frame!
Fill your Frame! is a set of photographic experiences with photographer Bruce Hucko intended to enhance your photographic abilities so that you can better pursue the making of images that mean something to you.
My form of instruction is to move you from the level of photography you are currently at to one you want to attain or have not considered yet, all at your pace of learning, not mine. Instruction leans heavily towards the Principles and Elements of Art, and how we, as visual artists, can best employ them in our photography. Our time together will also be spiced with topics of natural and local human history, and our personal evolution as artists. I know the area well, having lived here for 40+ years. I look forward to sharing it with you.