One Good Day

This choice features One Field Session (3-5 hours) at a single place of your choosing and a single, 3-hour, Studio Session at my home, where we work up at least one image from the field session and print it!

The one-day session can start at dawn and end late afternoon or early evening when you leave my home studio, print in hand - OR - the session can start in the afternoon with a Field Session at 1 or 2 locations, ending after sunset, followed by a 3-hour Studio Session at my home studio the next morning, ending no later than 2 pm.

Fee: $500 (includes transportation in my Tacoma, snacks, fees, and up to 5 sheets of 13x19 paper and ink, including proofs, and taxes!!!)

Multi-Day Intensive

If you’re in Moab for a while or you have come to specifically spend some quality time with me to improve your personal photography then this is the package to consider.  The package is this - 3 Field Sessions (up to 5 hours each) and 2 Resolve/Print Sessions in my home studio.

These sessions can take place across 3 - 5 consecutive days as per your schedule. This offers you some flexibility in case you are not traveling alone or want to spend some time between sessions on your own.

Fee: $1500 (includes transportation in my Tacoma, snacks, fees, and up to 5 sheets of 13x19 paper and ink, including proofs, and taxes!!!)

NOTE: If you’re considering the GOOD DAY or MULTI-DAY workshop with me please know that before we commit to anything we’ll conduct a phone or zoom call so we can clarify what you want from this experience. And before we do that I’ll send you a brief questionnaire to help both us be better prepared to visit live. These two things will ensure success. I know what it costs to visit Moab and I want the best possible experience for you.

B&W Transformation

Have you been thinking about getting into B&W imaging? Do you sense your inner Ansel Adam or Minor White?

Maybe you need a little boost to get you going. Send me 1-3 images, and I'll transform them to BW.

You'll receive a step-by-step list of the alterations made and, most importantly, a written discussion of WHY they were made that will include both artful, emotional, and technical reasons. You'll also receive compacted tiff file(s) with all the Photoshop layers* involved. You'll also receive Lightroom Screen Shots from the one or more operations conducted in LR. With all of this in hand, you can study your work and decide if working in BW is in your future!

*NOTE: I work in both the most current Lightroom and Photoshop Applications.  I have for a long time and have no reason to change.  You may use a different application and that's OK.  By reading my step-by-step account of transforming your image you'll get a good feel for how to work on your own, and on your own imagery.  The goal here is to know the technical and aesthetic reasons for making adjustments to the image.  You can then translate those adjustments to the applications you use.

Fee: $55/image (3 max) If you’d like a 10”x15” print of each shipped to you, add $65/image, includes shipping tube and postage)